
School Visitors Sign in/out
Please bring your ID with you when visiting or picking up your child.
After signing in, you will receive a badge. Please make sure it remains visible while on campus.
Return to the office and sign out before you leave.
Parent Volunteers Welcome!
We are seeking:
Cafeteria volunteers
Classroom volunteers
Project prep volunteers
Reading mentors volunteers
Math fact friends volunteers

Parking Lot Expectations
Please be respectful and courteous to each other at all times. Our students are watching.
Maintain low noise-levels while in the parking lot. Our children are learning.
Please remain in your vehicle if you are driving through the drive- through area. If you wish to speak with a teacher or staff member, please park your car in a designated area and walk to the office.
Handicap stalls are reserved for our disabled visitors only.

Before School Expectations
Please do not send your students to school before 7:00, there is no supervision. (AM Sunshine Club is available - see office for details and registration)
Gates will open at 7:00 a.m.
Students may eat breakfast, sit with a friend in the cafeteria, go to Walk & Talk with friends, or read/complete work at the outside picnic bench area.
Please follow all traffic laws and school expectations before and after school. Our children's safety is everyone's priority!